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Trip continues in Xpujil and preparation for Calakmul

The Mayan temple towers in Xpujil.

The Mayan temple towers in Xpujil.

It was sunny morning of the late April this year when I took a bus from Campeche to Xpujil. The second class bus station is on Avenida Gobernadores – only some 15 minute walk from the hostel where I was staying. It took about five hours to get to Xpujil, but partly driving trough the villages along the Gulf of Mexico was quite nice. I listened to a very appropriate music – it was a compilation of songs of Keola Beamer, a Hawaiian musician. It was a very relaxing and comfortable trip.

I arrived to Xpujil in the early afternoon. I knew roughly where I was about to stay, although nothing was arranged. On my paper I had written down “Don Jorge Cabanas”. I heard it is a cheap and decent place, so decided to check it out. The taxi driver knew where that is, and didn’t even charge me anything, because, as he said, it’s only one kilometer from the bus station. But probably the real reason was because he hoped I will hire him the next day to drive me to Calakmul. The latter is the ruin of an ancient Mayan city, which in its golden days was one of the most important Mayan center, together with Tikal and Palenque. Continue reading