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Two days in Campeche, Yucatan

Colorfull houses with high sidewalks in the city center of Campeche.

Colorfull houses with high sidewalks in the city center of Campeche.

I woke up to a sunny morning in Merida, Mexico. Today I continue my trip across Yucatan, by taking a bus to Campeche, in the state of Campeche. It was a short two hour bus ride with the second class bus. From the bus station I took a taxi to a hostel where I was staying, Viatger Inn. It is located in a great location in the historical center of Campeche. The hostel itself is new and modern, and a bit too posh for my liking, but it is a good place to stay in Campeche. Soon after arriving I’ve met one of my dormitory mates – an English guy with a very unusual British name which sounded like a name from 17th or 18th century. He was in his late 20’s, with a fair bit of traveling experience. He narrated to me some of his travel stories in South America and New Zealand. We talked about some interesting subjects, but on this first day he just told me that he is here for several days now, and he keeps prolonging his stay, because he likes Campeche that much. He showed me a video he recorded the previous night on Zocalo (main square), where there is light and sound show every evening. The light is projected upon a rectangular hacienda-looking building that covers one entire side of the Zocalo, in combination with sounds and music. He said highly of it, and it did look intriguing on the video. Unfortunately he didn’t clearly specify where the event is happening, so I asked the receptionist, however he directed me to another event. Continue reading