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Six days in Mexico City

Mexico City

Mexico City

It was around 20th of May this year when I went from Tepoztlan to Mexico. My host in Tepoztlan, Matias, also went to Mexico on that same day so I joined him in that two hour trip. We had some great laughs and also talk about some interesting subjects. To be honest, I was nervous because of going to Mexico City. I heard a lot about it – how it is chaotic and dangerous – and in my mind I conjured an image that proved to be not in line with reality.

Matias dropped me off at one of the metro station, and I already noticed a clear difference between Mexico City and other places I’ve been to thus far.
“Hey! Hurry up, we don’t have all day!”, was a shout of a man waiting in a cue behind me while I was buying a metro ticket and asking for directions.
“Oh, come on. Have patience sir. I need to explain to him how to get where he wants to go.”, the clerk lady defended me. Continue reading