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Visiting the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City

It was Sunday sunny morning when I was saying goodbye to my host Martin and his flatmates. I was going to stay with another host, Leo. He was living alone in a modern apartment in a nice neighbourhood in Mexico City. I was to stay there for another three days, which were also my final three days in Mexico. The trip was coming to a close, although it wasn’t over yet. Leo was an interesting person to meet. Originally from Brazil, he is studying musical therapy in Mexico city, and because I’m also interested in healing, talking to him was beneficial. For today the plan was to visit Anthropological museum of Mexico City, one of the most famous of the kind in the world.

Getting there was quite easy, especially with a map and Leo’s help. I just needed to get off at the Chapultepec station. Once there I went partly through Chapultepec park and then by the main road to the museum. I was a little worried that there will be many people due to the fact that it’s Sunday – a day when Mexicans have free entry to INAH museums and archaeological sites. But a good thing about the museum of anthropology is that it is so big that crowds get dispersed all over the place. And besides, there weren’t that many people anyways. Continue reading