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The Magic of Monte Alban, Oaxaca (Mexico)

The ancient site of Monte Alban.

The ancient site of Monte Alban.

On the day I came to Oaxaca, the rainy season was slowly starting. The start of the rainy season in Mexico means that it rains either during the night, or from afternoon or evening, and it can last for several hours. The mornings and afternoons are usually always sunny. Of course, in some Mexican states the rain is much more pronounced than in others.

The plan for today is to visit the ancient site of Monte Alban, which was a ceremonial center of a mysterious culture known as Zapotecs. Carlos, my Oaxacan host, explained how to get there. Basically the colectivo to Monte Alban go from several locations. One of them goes from 518 Mina street (full name of the street is Francisco Javier Mina), which is at or close to hotel Rivera del Angel. The price for the transport there and back is around 60 pesos. The agency is called Lescas Co. and it has vans going to Monte Alban from Zocalo, Garcia street, and Mina street. Continue reading