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Adventure in Oaxaca Valley Part I (from Oaxaca to the ancient site of Mitla)

In front of the best preserved temple in Mitla

In front of the best preserved temple in Mitla

Getting to Oaxaca city to Mitla by public transport was relatively easy. On the same main road to Mitla there are two more ancient sites: Jagul and Danzu. That’s why for today I planned to combine the sites of Mitla and Jagul. Buses and colectivo taxis (red ones) to Mitla go from the bus loop on Periferico street, where the market is. There is no fixed schedule when they are leaving for Mitla, so you have to stand on the corner of Periferico and Calle de Victoria/ Diagonal de Mercaderes, in order to see the bus that comes down from Northwest along Periferico, and also to see taxi colectivos (with Mitla sign on it) that join Periferico from Calle de Victoria/ Diagonal de Mercaderes. I spot the colectivo taxi for Mitla, and entered in.

The taxi cost around 30-40 pesos, whereas the bus is just a little less. After some 50 minutes drive, we arrived to Mitla. The taxi dropped me off in the center of the town, form where I walked 10-15 minutes to the ruins of Mitla. The ruins are in the Northern part of town, close to the church of San Pablo and the mercado. Continue reading